Lake Cowichan School students cook up 260 meals to deliver to those in need in the Cowichan Lake area thanks to a grant from the Lake Community Forest Co-operative. (Submitted)

Lake Cowichan School students cook up 260 meals to deliver to those in need in the Cowichan Lake area thanks to a grant from the Lake Community Forest Co-operative. (Submitted)

Donation to school cooks up 260 meals for those in need

The grant was given to my Life Skills Class to help support Meals on Wheels

Donation to school cooks up 260 meals for those in need

I want to thank Lorne Scheffer and the Lake Community Forest Co-operative board for a $2,000 donation that was given to Lake Cowichan School.

The grant was given to my Life Skills Class to help support Meals on Wheels in the Lake Cowichan area. My students and I used this grant to create healthy meals for community members who have mobility issues and severe health problems. The money allowed us to rent the Lake Cowichan Community Services bus to travel to grocery stores and learn to grocery shop on a budget. We also used the bus to drop off meals every Thursday to households in Youbou, Lake Cowichan, and Honeymoon Bay.

More than 260 meals were cooked and delivered to 35 community members in need. The program ran from January to June of 2020 and the participating Leadership and Life Skills students thoroughly enjoyed helping our community members. All meals were provided free of charge to those community members that used this program because of the generous donation from Lorne Scheffer and the Lake Cowichan Forest Co-operative board.

We cannot begin to express our appreciation to them for supporting this valuable program.

Kevin Smith

Lake Cowichan School

Cowichan Valley Citizen