Don’t be seduced by Enbridge’s offers

Beware of any large corporation that slithers into a community and tempts with trinkets and money.

Dear sir,

Beware of any large corporation that slithers into a community and tempts with trinkets and money.

Consider Enbridge, Northern British Columbia’s present corporate seducer.

Ordinary citizens of Occupy Movements around the world are waking up to the fact that large corporations cannot be trusted; they are amoral entities that exist to satisfy their shareholders and keep a few men at the top rich.

Also consider the people of Battle Creek and the Kalamazoo River Valley in Michigan in July of 2010.

Enbridge Liquid Pipelines had a leak that released more than 800,000 gallons of oil into a creek that made its way into the Kalamazoo River. There were strong oil smells and oil soaked wildlife in the area.

How many token financial perks and promises were offered regarding advanced technology to prevent environmental disaster just prior to the worst oil spill in the history of the US Midwest?

Are the people of BC going to trust Enbridge and accept token financial perks and promises made regarding state of the art technology to prevent environmental disaster?

Every year, oil pipelines in North America spill millions of litres of oil into the environment.

Will you not stand up against Enbridge’s scheme to transport oil from the destructive oil sands of Northern Alberta to the totalitarian Chinese State with a horrendous human rights record?

The people of BC have to make a moral decision.

Not only is our beautiful environment and wildlife endangered by a pipeline, but also our BC coast line by oil tankers.

It is time to ‘Occupy Enbridge’ and not succumb to the temptations whispered into the ears of our political leaders.

Leonard Matte,

Burns Lake.


Kitimat Northern Sentinel