Don’t be so negative

We need things to do here for our tourist friends, says letter writer.

To the Editor,

Re: Label not appreciated, Letters, March 19.

What makes Mr. Berg think he is such an expert in everything pertaining to this town?

He knows nothing about McLean Mill and they will be in a difficult way this year trying to manage on such a small budget. The fellows that work for some pay out there haven’t even had a raise for 10-plus years and the money they do earn is very low compared to anyone else doing similar work. They don’t complain either, and they all work hard—so do all the volunteers.

If that mill was static, it would look in no time just like it did originally when they first decided to save it, rebuild and bring it back.

The mill is there to show the public the way it was—it’s not meant to profit. If it was decided to run it full time, all the parts would not take it and most of the parts you cannot get anymore.

Running the mill how they do is enough. Tourists from every corner of the world have been here and love the whole program, from the train station to the steam donkey and the mill hauling up logs to make lumber. This mill is the only complete display like that in all of North America, and we have it.

Mr. Berg, the “armchair accountant” does not know what is best for this town. We need things to do here for our tourist friends.

Per population of this town it only costs taxpayers about a dollar a month or $13 a year to operate the mill. You can’t buy cigarettes or a case of beer for that small amount. How can that be so terrible?

Mary Young,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News