Don’t blame the transit workers

I understand the reader’s frustration but think it is a little misguided

Re: Transit labour situation beyond ridiculous.

I understand the reader’s frustration but think it is a little misguided. As a public sector worker we have had a zero per cent increase in seven of the last 10 years, mandated by the B.C. Liberal government.

Yet B.C. Transit can spend $4,000,000 in China for buses that should be built in Canada or at least the U.S. to help the economy. The Ministry of Transportation can allow Transit to ship almost 70 buses to Alberta for painting and refurbishing when the ability and facilities to do this job is right here in Victoria. Lastly, during these tough economic times, the government paid out hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars in incentive bonuses and severance packages to Crown Corporation CEOs.

So as a taxpayer I am also extremely frustrated but to direct it at the men and women who are doing the best they can with a broken system is just misguided.

Jim Pullan



Peninsula News Review