Don’t cut our RCMP services

RCMP budget shouldn't be cut, says letter writer.

To the Editor,

I was shocked and saddened to see that the new Mayor Mike Ruttan said in his first interview with the Alberni Valley News after being elected that he planned to save money in the city budget by cutting policing.

My young family and I have lived in the Uptown area for the last six years. The first year we lived in the area my husband or I called the RCMP three or four times a week due to noise disturbances, break-ins or drunk and disorderly people in our neighbourhood.

Last year I called in once.

This is because the RCMP have targeted our area of town and done an excellent job of improving it. I have dealt with at least a dozen officers personally who have all responded professionally and quickly to calls.

We need to increase their budget or leave it where it is currently. I would gladly give up other services than the safety of my family.

I would like to thank the men and women of the RCMP who serve our city doing a job that is many days tough and uncomfortable. My family and I appreciate your exemplary service.

Caroline Robertson,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News