Don’t do the crime

While I feel compassion for those led to crime because of neglect, lack of education and resources, incarceration is a punishment.

Re:  Laura Miron’s letter (luxurious inmate conditions).

When you enter a nursing home and look at all these aged, infirm and ill residents, you see people who (for the most part) have been hardworking, contributing members of society for 60-plus years. They have earned the right to be treated with the respect due them, the right to compassionate care.

While I feel compassion for those led to a criminal life because of fear, neglect, lack of education and resources, incarceration is a punishment.

You voluntarily ceded your rights to the privileges and freedoms afforded a law abiding citizen.  Short of DNA evidence clearing an accused or convicted person, you are where you chose to be.

This is not supposed to be a luxurious stay in a retreat for quiet contemplation.  If your confinement results in personal growth and a changed attitude, wonderful.  But if you find it uncomfortable to do the time, don’t commit the crime.

D. Ward

Abbotsford News