Don’t fear change

Re: letter to the editor in the Nov. 28 edition of The NEWS by Deb McKinley (Pheasant Glen: follow the process).

Re: letter to the editor in the Nov. 28 edition of The NEWS by Deb McKinley (Pheasant Glen: follow the process).

The concerns expressed in McKinley’s letter seem way overblown and unfounded. It seems typical of the “fear of change” that exists in a portion of the Qualicum Beach population. The town council will ensure that due process is carried out and also there will not be a march on city hall by any member of Pheasant Glen Golf Resort (PGGR).

Projects of this size always start with a concept — it would be impossible to bring anything more at this stage. If it goes ahead, there will be much work to be done by PGGR and the town in order to ensure the final product meets the criteria the town requires.

The bigger issue is what happens if projects like this don’t happen. We are seeing it in Qualicum Beach now because of the lack of investment. There are no new jobs here, the high school enrolment is at critically-low levels and the forecast is worse. The real estate market has slowed in recent years. Without investment to increase the tax base, our taxes will increase at ever escalating rates.

Fear not change, fear no change.

As for the new clubhouse we did not get, the owners of PGGR have invested the equivalent of several new clubhouses in course improvements. We have one of the best-maintained courses on the Island.

The extensive work over the past years to improve the drainage means we can play year-round without hip waders. Golfers much prefer dry fairways to new clubhouses.

John Simmons

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News