Don’t feel sorry for the NHL players

North America is the most materially successful free society in the history of the world.

Re: Letter to the editor by Bob Abrahams “The NHL and capitalism’s failure” (Star, Wednesday, October 17.

North America is the most materially successful free society in the history of the world. Bar none. It is the result of free enterprise and capitalism.

Does Mr. Abrahams understand that most NHL players will retire young and wealthy. They are not abused workers in some third world sweat shop. These are guys for the most part who would otherwise be tradesmen, construction workers, etc.

Why in the letter was there no animosity towards players who make the league over those many who don’t.?

Finally, as to the league owners and why their means of acquiring a hockey team should be of any baring on this issue is lost on me. Most successful people work hard and risk much to make gains. I don’t envy them. I admire them.

Paul Van Caeseele



Nelson Star