Don’t forget what has transpired with current Langley Township council

This council has been well discussed and some solid information has been available, but folks are still willing to see a smiling face

Editor: With the upcoming election, I just wanted to write a reminder to all the voters in the Langley Township of the past year or two and the disasters of this council.

This council has been well discussed and some solid information has been available, but folks are still willing it seems to see a smiling face, accept a warm handshake and think things will be different this time.

Before the last election, Mayor Jack Froese stated that his reason for being mayor was to keep the council happy.  He did do that.

However, he has totally ignored those of us who live here and pay his wages and stated while in office that he didn’t listen to petitions, and of course he proved that over and over again. He went through hours of public hearings where he heard absolutely nothing.  You could see by his body language that he was just doing this because it was a requirement.

He also stated at one of the meetings I attended that “Langley is just acting like Langley”  in a most derogatory and dismissive tone.  And that attitude he has displayed all through this term.

Councillor Grant Ward told us at a meeting in the spring that in essence we weren’t smart enough to understand the Fort Langley/ Coulter Berry situation and the Brookswood decision and that he didn’t care anyway what we thought. And we pay his salary.

Just recently, Councillor Michelle Sparrow wrote a letter to The Times (Oct. 7) saying “How can we OK further construction in the Willoughby area, when the government will not aid financially with schools?”

Where has she been? Guess she hasn’t been hearing the uproar either.

And then there are the silent majority who simply vote along with Mayor Froese and the others, and ignore the anguished requests by the residents of the Township.

Someone wrote recently that we need not be nasty as we write to the papers regarding the upcoming election. And that is true. However, the truth needs to be told and sometimes the truth is nasty. And this has been a most nasty term, with the majority of this council. There are one or two that have listened and used their heads, and to them I am giving my vote and am thankful.

I ask voters to remember. Don’t let a smile and promise and handshake make you think things will change.  This council needs renewing. Please don’t be swayed by their promises. They’ve had their season and have shown their colours. They are not chameleons.

Lois Hooks,


Langley Times