Don’t give up on New Year’s resolutions

Just before Nelson Mandela, one of the greatest individuals of our time, passed away, I found a quote from him that almost gave me shivers.

Just before Nelson Mandela, one of the greatest individuals of our time, passed away, I found a quote from him that almost gave me shivers.

It is simply amazing that a person could be locked away for 27 years and be so gracious to those who had jailed him in cells for a long time.

Here is the quote…

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. People learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can learn to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

I know there has been a lot said about the man, but I just wanted to share one of the things this gracious individual and apartheid fighter stated, that I really enjoyed, because of its truth and simplicity.


Did you make a New Year’s resolution just after Christmas, or perhaps New Year’s eve, or sometime in the last month?

Many people make good resolutions and stick to them for the better.

Like quitting smoking, getting more exercise, spending more time with the family, and volunteer work in the community.

There are some resolutions that are pretty far out there and they may be more of a wish, rather than something you have set your mind upon.

Maybe you wish to be rich with a couple of a million dollars, however, if there is no plan to make that become a reality, it is just a wish.

I think it’s great to be hopeful for something that is positive, and if you don’t succeed the first time it’s okay as long as you gave it an honest try.

Many resolutions never make it past January 1, especially the stop smoking thing, and eating more sensible are a couple of them that don’t seem to last long.

One survey of those who wanted to achieve something in the New Year, only 14 per cent had been successful.

Maybe if a person made only one or perhaps two resolutions it would be easier to achieve the goal or goals, set out prior to the beginning of January.

Some resolutions get a little goofy or something that should not be a goal. Like saying you want to get a new hairstyle or buy a Sunday paper.

Whatever your resolution for this New Year, I hope you have some success and will not be afraid to make them each year.


Williams Lake Tribune