Don’t keep pushing unrealistic and costly energy schemes

Reader says green programs are failing across the globe



Re: No more oil and gas (Letters, June 18)

I found so many canards in Donna Anderson’s letter to the editor that I had to reply.

Yes, let’s ignore reality and the fact British Columbia is the envy of North America with hundreds of years of cheap natural gas sitting under hundreds of capped wells across the Peace River region near Fort St. John.

Let’s ignore the birds and bats being decimated every day by wind farms across the globe.

Let’s ignore the fact that so many Danes have grown disgusted by the inefficient wind farms on their Baltic shorelines that they have a political party dedicated to eliminating them.

Let’s ignore the fact that Germany has given up on its decades long experiment with subsidized and inefficient solar panels.

Let’s ignore the fact that Nova Scotia has contemplated tidal generators for decades and have yet to come up with a solution for their propensity to chew up fish stocks.

Indeed, let’s strive for a cleaner environment, but let’s not keep pushing unrealistic and costly energy schemes that are failing across the globe.

Or is she simply following the Saul Alinsky dictum to not let any crisis go to waste?

I was living on Digby Neck, N.S. eight years ago when the wind farm was constructed in Rossway. The migratory bird and bat kill was so profound that that the Natural Resources Ministry wouldn’t release those kill statistics unless they were paid. And that is a fact!

Andy Neimers


Sooke News Mirror