Don’t protect menace

This grossly overgrown specimen should not come under the protection bylaw.

Re: ‘Menace’ tree will stay put (News, Jan. 17).

In Britain, there has been legislation since 2005 regarding all aspects of hedge height aimed at amicably settling vicious quarrels between neighbours.

Since Leyland cypress is the major culprit, it has given its name to the act. Hedge heights cannot exceed six feet and refusal to make correction can lead to fines up to 1,000 GBP.

In some communities its use is banned as being unsuitable for urban landscaping in small lots as it leads to quarrels concerning loss of sunlight, loss of view and drainage problems from exuberant root structure.

It seems that this grossly overgrown specimen should not come under the protection bylaw.

Hugh H. Macartney

Oak Bay


Victoria News