Don’t squander money purchasing Saltspring islet

Capital Regional District shouldn't spend tax money on real estate

Re: Proposed Capital Regional District expropriation of Grace Islet

How is it that Victoria Coun. Ben Isitt can propose a meeting (in camera no less) to expropriate the contentious Grace Islet property near Saltspring Island?

This is tax money that is being discussed, and as such, those of us who pay these taxes rightly deserve an opportunity to have a say in how this money is to be spent.

The CRD has already squandered funds on property purchased in Esquimalt for the sewage treatment biosolids plant. That issue has yet to be resolved and many residents of the region are already encumbered with the ever-escalating costs attached to the sewage project. News reports state the Grace Islet property is valued at $1 million. To even think about expropriating this property is patently absurd.

Any proposed resolution of this issue rightly belongs with the province, the owner and First Nations – possibly even with the participation of the federal government, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the CRD.

Remedies can be sought through the Provincial Court system if the original seller, the current owner, and First Nations cannot find a reasonable remedy. Isitt can by all means enjoy his personal opinion on this matter, but he is entirely wrong in thinking the taxpayers of Greater Victoria should be obligated to purchase this piece of land.

Is this yet another example of why Greater Victoria would benefit from amalgamation and the resulting dismantling of the CRD?

Stuart Eastwood


Goldstream News Gazette