Don’t step out of line

Tone in legislature has been set

Between the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Convention and the throne speech, the past week has been politically enlightening to say the least.

The wolf has definitely stepped out of the sheep’s clothing, and British Columbians better hang on because were in for an interesting, if not bumpy, ride for the next couple of years.

The throne speech, which is usually the blueprint set out by the governing party, was an opportunity for BC Liberal Party anointed Premier Christy Clark to set the tone for the work that will be tabled in the legislature session.

While party hacks and apologists will weave their various spins on the importance of the session, there really wasn’t much in it.

The highlight for the great unwashed was the announcement of Family Day starting on Feb. 18, 2013. Undoubtedly, it’s hoped this will take the sting out of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) fiasco – the B.C. Liberals are still trying to appease the masses.

The only other important issue trumpeted from the great halls is the veiled threats to the teachers, or more correctly, their union stalwarts in an effort to get them back to towing the line.

However, the real tone for the next legislative session and the true visage of the premier were unleashed during the UBCM Convention.

It was here that Ms. Clark showed her true colours and her determination to rule with an iron fist regardless of who is questioning decisions she has made without consultation.

First was the vote of the UBCM’s membership against having a new municipal auditor general foisted on them without consultation or specifics.

100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall was very outspoken, characterizing it as being “jammed down their throats.”

However, municipal governments have been told in no uncertain terms the B.C. Liberals are going to do it anyway.

It was the same for the members voting in favour of putting a moratorium on the smart meters, so more study can be done about the health and human rights issues swirling around the meters.

Again we’re told it’s going to happen regardless.

Does this not sound like the same tone the government took with the HST?


100 Mile House Free Press