Don’t succumb to cynicism in this election

To the Editor,

To the Editor,

Many members of the community have kindly reached out to ask whether I will be entering the campaign for the BC Green party this election.

As committed as I am to progressive politics and participatory democracy, I do not have the personal resources, or health and well-being, to give a campaign the full energy it requires and deserves. Instead, I am throwing my support and help behind the new BC Green candidate for our region, and ask supporters of politics done differently, to do the same.

It is disappointing but not surprising that John Horgan and the NDP have chosen the moment when B.C. is at her most vulnerable, to add to the chaos by calling a snap election, but to succumb to cynicism right now would be fatal.

I urge that above all, every person votes, and votes with a vision for the future of BC.

Last election the Cariboo-Chilcotin matched the provincial average in Green votes, and the wave is growing. This region has demonstrably as much progressive thinking as the rest of the province and the world.

We live in an area of immense opportunity, which we can realize if we stay engaged, and elect the leadership to fulfill it. Active and participatory citizenship is the way to build the community we want to live in. Please, join the conversation, and vote.

Rita Giesbrecht

Former candidate, BC Green Party

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