Don’t take sides in Middle East conflict

I believe that Israeli and Palestinian people have rights to live peacefully and to fight back.

I disapprove of Premier Christy Clark’s statement on the current Middle East conflict. She does not represent all British Columbians when she takes the side of one party in the conflict.

Her statement that “we stand with Israel…. Israel has right to defend itself” could be her own statement but cannot be on behalf of British Columbians.

As a British Columbian, I believe that Israeli and Palestinian people have rights to live peacefully and to fight back when someone is taking their land away from them.

How about if someone besieges British Columbia for eight years from land, air and sea, then slowly takes our land and property from us and continues to do that. If the international community did not help us, would we have a right to fight back? If you believe we should have a right to fight back, then Palestinians are no different.

Look at their demand: “Freedom and access to the world.” Is it too much to ask for? Is freedom only for the powerful nations? Are only the powerful nations deserving to have more power? Isn’t freedom a basic human right for all human beings?

As a nation, we should support freedom for all people, including Israelis and Palestinians. Both of them should let each other live free from a siege.


Sikandar Hayat

Surrey Now Leader