Don’t waste time complaining

Since we’ve been separating the recyclables in our household for years I can tell you it’s actually pretty simple.

Re: “Target waste at its source,” Letters, The Leader, Oct. 9.

After reading this letter I am very confused as to what the letter writer is complaining about. He seems to think the public is being penalized by this new garbage system because pick-up is now every second week for recyclables and regular garbage.

Isn’t this how this system will save us money, by reducing the number of pick-up days?

He also seems to think that most people will have so much garbage that their bins will be overflowing in two weeks. I actually find the new large garbage bin is so large our family of four couldn’t fill it up in a month. If one does have extra garbage additional cans will still be collected if they have an extra garbage sticker affixed. Since there has always been a two-can limit (unless you are paying for an authorized suite), this hasn’t changed with the new system.

Another thing the letter writer is complaining about is the fact that recyclables must be placed in a separate bin. In our household we have always rinsed out our recyclable containers and placed them in the blue box. The only difference now is the size of the bin.

Since we’ve been separating the recyclables in our household for years I can tell you it’s actually pretty simple, quick and easy.

The only part of his letter that makes any sense is the title, “Target waste at its source.” This is an important and timely message, but in reality has nothing to do with the City of Surrey or the new garbage pick-up system.

People need to stop complaining and get with the program.


Jackie Colwell

Surrey Now Leader