Downtown corner makes poor impression

I agree with this letter. Why is the A&B Sound building allowed to stand as Nanaimo’s biggest eyesore?

To the Editor,

Re: Downtown corner can’t stay derelict, Letters, Oct. 13.

I agree with this letter. Why is the A&B Sound building allowed to stand as Nanaimo’s biggest eyesore?

We have a beautiful cruise ship terminal that brings tourists to view our beautiful city to shop at the beautiful shops in our beautiful downtown core and hard-working merchants who pay a lot of money to keep their stores looking in tip-top shape so they can sell their goods to the tourists so they leave with a little something from Nanaimo. And the last image they leave with as they walk past is the ugly, run-down, hazardous A&B Sound building. The merchants deserve more from the city.

I don’t think one Nanaimo taxpayer that thinks that the A&B sound building should stay. It has remained unoccupied for years and there’s no use for it in the state that it’s in and no company would rent or lease it without a full teardown and rebuild.

So to the city officials, it’s about time you do something about this ugly eyesore that just so happens to be right in front of city hall.

Phil DuttonNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin