Downtown greenspace

Resident concerned about impact of development on Becker Hill

It’s just a small ridge downtown. The deer come every day with the hawks flying above and the pheasants nesting below, among other wildlife. They get along with the people who walk their dogs daily and others just hiking up for the view and exercise.

Groups of students, ages about 10, go on field trips. The people keep it clean and enjoy this small oasis away from the city. As I walk around the park on the road, I see new apartment buildings that have gone up on it. Around the corner is another one being built.

As I turn on Alexis Park Drive, yet another chunk blasted out of the ridge. I read in the paper of some more notices of lots being built.

And when I come up Centennial Drive, there’s another sign for another apartment building. being cut into it. Just where I saw some deer on the beginning of my tour.

Soon I think the mayor they named the park after will be forgotten too.

Goodbye to Becker and F.B. Jacques parks.


Tim Presslaber




Vernon Morning Star