Dragonboaters dock

Ladysmith Dragonboaters thank sponsors as another season glides to a close



The Ladysmith Dragon Boat teams have just wrapped up another enjoyable paddling season.  We enjoyed the sunshine when it shone, and the wind when it died down, and the boats for passing us wakelessly. We really enjoyed having the new dock at the Ladysmith Maritime Society Marina and our steer persons became very skilled in manoeuvring our boat into its new spot.

The teams would very much like to thank our community sponsors: the Ladysmith Maritime Society for the moorage during paddling season, Doug West at Ladysmith Marine Services for winter storage of our boat, and Bud and Sheryl Bell, Sealegs Kayaking for their support shown towards our teams throughout the year.

There are other sponsors that have kindly supported our team.  These include: Ladysmith Credit Union, 49th Parallel Groceries, Mayco Paving and Hillside Medical Clinic.

We would like to express a special thanks to Doug West for helping us clean and tuck away our boat for the winter.

We enjoyed another year of good exercise, friendship and paddling in our beautiful harbour.

As well, we are proud to say we made our debut at our first ever regatta held in Port Alberni and won second overall!

We appreciate all those that support our Dragon Boat Teams.

Thank you from the Ladysmith Dragon Boat Teams.


Susan Erickson



Ladysmith Chronicle