Drinking from tailings ponds?

If Neil Young’s comments lead to discussions at dinner tables across this country then he did us all a great service.

Re: “Old man, take a look at your facts,” (B.C. Views, Jan. 22).

Tom Fletcher should stop taking Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver’s advice. Drinking from tailings ponds does not appear to be bringing any clarity to his argument.

The fact that similar environmental destruction exists in the U.S. means Canadians should shut up and ignore what goes on in our country? Would Fletcher at least concede that any industrial development of this size comes at a significant cost to the environment?

I agree that the oil sands are extremely important to the Canadian economy and provide thousands of high-paying jobs, but surely there’s room for a balanced discussion. Perhaps we could start somewhere between shutting it down as Neil Young would prefer or expanding it as fast as humanly possible, the clear choice of the present federal and Alberta governments.

If Young’s comments lead to discussions at dinner tables across this country then he did us all a great service.


Bob Tanner, Campbell River


Move to Fort McMurray


Well, now Tom Fletcher has done it. He has annoyed, angered, baffled and bored us over the years with his columns. However, to be so condescending and rude about Neil Young’s involvement in the anti-oil sands controversy made me respond.

How does he decide which experts’ findings on the environment he judges to be the truth – the whole truth?

May I make a suggestion: Fletcher should move to Fort McMurray. Enjoy the scenery!

And after looking at his picture, who is calling whom an old man?


Heidi Bumann, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader