Drive safely

Be cautious with long weekend driving

We’ve had sun two days in a row, (at least at the time of this writing) and a long weekend is coming.

Please don’t let the good weather go to your head and turn your right foot into lead.

If you are travelling this BC Day long weekend, take care on the roads and please drive safely.

We live in a camping paradise, the fishing is great, enjoying Mother Nature is one of the reasons we live in the South Cariboo.

Normally, we don’t have to drive very far to enjoy camping, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get in a hurry to get there. More people will be on the roads trying to get in their camping experience, so the roads will be busier. Use the patience that you have when you are fishing, relax, you’ll get to your “spot” and be in a better mood when you arrive.

Long weekends are infamous for traffic accidents and fatalities.

Don’t let yourself or your family become part of the statistics.


100 Mile House Free Press