Driver should have stopped to help cyclist

Motorist left after hitting cyclist in intersection last week.

Dear Editor:

Open letter to “You Know Who You Are”

On Thursday, Nov. 22 at around 10:30 a.m. you were driving your car turning left from Steven Avenue onto Elliot Street.

You slowed down at the stop sign, didn’t see anything coming and proceeded through the intersection.

However, you missed the cyclist who had just turned right from Hunt Street onto Elliot Street.

You hit the cyclist who was knocked to the ground, blocking your car from moving forward.

Rather than getting out and checking and seeing if the cyclist needed assistance, you backed up and drove around her and carried on your way.

Maybe you panicked or were afraid to admit what you had done.

Calling the RCMP and reporting your involvement won’t take away what you did but it might help you sleep at night.

Do the right thing.

Lesley Field



Summerland Review