Drivers and cyclists need to follow rules of the road

Dear editor,

After seeing the article regarding government funding for dedicated cycling lanes, I have to finally write this letter!

Dear editor,

After seeing the article regarding government funding for dedicated cycling lanes, I have to finally write this letter!

Gentle readers, perhaps you have not fully read the booklet you received when you had your driver’s exam, or perhaps you have forgotten parts of it in the effort required to keep other, more relevant, information in your head, so I should like to take a moment of your time to remind you of certain facts!

Cyclists are, in fact, already entitled by law to the same lane space as automobiles and are to be treated in the same manner as slow-moving cars. They are not moving targets to be run off the road because they are momentarily in your way and slowing you down.

Did we not all learn as young children to share, and to treat others as we would like to be treated?

Oh, and cyclists — as you are no longer pedestrians, all the rules of the road now apply to you also, including lane of travel — right hand side of the road, all traffic signs, including yield, stop, and any posted speed limits.

And, as you are not a pedestrian once you are on any sort of wheeled conveyance, you are not to travel on pedestrian crossings or sidewalks whilst still on your conveyance, whether it be cycle, skateboard, inline skates, et al.

I apologize if I have burst any bubbles, but truly, no one is so special that the laws of the land do  not apply to them.

And just one more little pet peeve — drivers, please read posted speed limit signs, especially within city limits, like Ryan Road hill, and Mission Hill, and the Veterans Memorial Parkway. The life you save may be your own!

If I have offended in any way, I apologize sincerely, but with the advent, (hopefully), of warmer weather, and therefore more cyclists on the roads, I just felt that a timely reminder may be in order.

Jean Morgan,

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record