Drivers should share tolls

Spread the tolls around so everyone has to pay their fair share.

Editor, The News:

Re: Break on multi toll bridges (Letters, Jan. 21).

I tend to agree that the Golden Ears and Port Mann bridges would get more usage if the tolls were done differently.

Currently, my wife uses the Golden Ears daily to get to and from work at a monthly fee of $140, yet my sister in-law uses Oak Street Bridge daily for free.

How is this fair? It is not.

Why does TransLink not toll all the bridges in Greater Vancouver? Not $3 a crossing, but $1 per bridge to a maximum of $150 a month.

By doing this, it will stop the people from detouring from the tolled bridges to the free bridges and causing congestion in those select areas. Then toll revenue will increase, allowing Trans Link to pay off, maintain and build new bridges.

No need to raise the sales tax .05 per cent. Congestion starts to reduce as there will be nowhere to cross for free.

Drivers should all share the cost of better roads.

Tim & Brenda McCulloch

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News