Driving scary

I note with dismay that some of us have taken the liberty to drive as if they are the only ones on the road.

I note with dismay that some of us have taken the liberty to drive as if they are the only ones on the road. Some of the following moves are not only stupid and illegal but very dangerous.

On occasion I witness a mid-block U-turn. Is it too time consuming to go around the block?

A favourite of mine, observed a number of times: what if we see a parking spot in the left lane? Let’s just turn across the lane into that spot. Then get out to shop and leave the rear of the vehicle out into the oncoming traffic.

And of course, once exiting the vehicle, just fling open the door, as one does not have to look at any approaching cars. Surely they will see you.

And let’s not forget the pedestrians who are without a doubt brain dead and just walk without a care out into the crosswalk. (And the numbers are escalating). This is a move that defies logic. People, kindly refresh yourselves with some common sense.

Stop and look (means make eye contact) and listen to yourselves. It is very dangerous out there.

Allan ClarkQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News