Dump site needed here

If you want to attract tourists to our town, you have to provide services.

Dear Editor:

I read with interest the letter from Alice Steenbergen in last week’s Review.

My husband had in the last week been in contact with city officials on the same manner and received the same generic response as posted in the Review.

Alice Steenbergen raises some very valid points in her letter which I agree with totally.

She pointed out some very pertinent potential problems with regard to unauthorized dumping, as well as some well thought out solutions to location and operation of a sani-dump site.

I too find it ludicrous that our councillors consider spending taxpayer dollars on fancy signage in an attempt to attract business to town, all the while telling tourists and locals alike to take their business to our neighbours to the south.

If you want to attract tourists to our town, you have to provide services.

Sharron Bradley



Summerland Review