Dust to dust: Youbou’s dirty secret

Five days a week, all year long, Youbou residents are forced to live in less than favorable conditions brought on by dirty logging trucks

Dear Editor:

Five days a week, all year long, we (Youbou residents) are forced to live in less than favorable conditions brought on by dirty logging trucks and their contents.

All summer long we can not open our doors or windows to appreciate a beautiful day. Yet the dust still finds its way inside and you can write messages in it.

In the winter the mud is so thick on the only road through town that people walking have fallen. It never stops. It is a circle that just repeats itself endlessly. The forest companies solution: sweeping and washing the road, on occasion, and mostly when we whine. This is just itching the dog, it doesn’t get rid of the flea.

Recently the government has pointed fingers at the people saying we don’t take responsibility for our own health and that we are burdening tax payers. Yet we have no control of what companies can do to our everyday environment. I am a nurse by trade and can no longer sit back and watch children, residents, and elders being forced to live and play in deplorable air quality.

We have a God given right to breath clean air and for the last four years have begged for a wash station as a logical solution. This request continues to fall on deaf ears. We have forest companies that can make billions of dollars, but in my opinion, they don’t seem to care about the welfare of people or their health.

Youbou cares about its community. We are not going to go away!



Trisha Waddington




Lake Cowichan Gazette