Dyer nails topic

Hats off to Gwynne Dyer and his editorial “Infanticide leads to monogamy”

Hats off to Gwynne Dyer and his editorial “Infanticide leads to monogamy” in your newspaper.  Wow.  Nicely done.

I have always maintained, nothing could shake me from this, the belief that human behavior can be explained by watching animals and other creatures.

As much as we like to think we are somehow better than other creatures, we are simply bipeds walking the planet with iPods and attitude.

Gwynne’s article is well written – including sufficient interjections within the text to pique every corner of my brain that ever pondered the monogamy thing and the family unit thing.


Best article I may have ever read by a freelance journalist on a topic we, as “cult-ivated” (sic) humans, would not like to admit to.

Arlene Arlow


Penticton Western News