Earthquake will destroy far more than two dams

NANAIMO – Re: City plans to remove two century-old dams, Nov. 1.

To the Editor,

Re: City plans to remove two century-old dams, Nov. 1.

The City of Nanaimo wants to spend $7 million of its residents’ tax dollars to demolish the Colliery Dam Park dams.

The main concern seems to be flooding and destruction of the residential property growth the city has allowed to take place below the dams.

Has anybody thought that if we have an earthquake strong enough to demolish the dams it will almost certainly be strong enough to demolish all those properties below the dams anyway?

Some of them may have been constructed to current earthquake standards, but that does not guarantee that they will survive.

And there will almost certainly be casualties, so why spend the money?

Nanaimo News Bulletin