Easy win for hugs

It was a quiet week with only one slug being offered up by the public

HUGS: To the kind person who turned my cane into the local store when I forgot it in a grocery cart in the parking lot. You saved me the cost of a new one. Thanks so much.

HUGS: To the wonderful crew on the ferry for once again turning the Osprey into a floating Christmas celebration. The tree and the lights brighten my commute.

HUGS: To all those in the community who remembered me in their prayers. I’m happy to report that I’m responding well to treatment.

HUGS: To all the drivers in the area who take care while behind the wheel and watch out for wildlife on our roads.

SLUGS: To those who drive with no regard for wildlife or anything else — this includes the person who saw the wild turkeys crossing the road but just kept going — you left one fatally injured.

HUGS: A huge hug to all those who donated food items and cash to benefit those of our community. Your generosity is truly appreciated.

HUGS: An extremely huge hug and a very warm heartfelt thank you to the quick thinking meter man who jumped into harms way and helped me stop my runaway scooter on Ward Street. You helped me up to a more level area where I was able to collect myself as well as assess the problem. You are truly a hero and your actions will not go unnoticed.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at editor@nelsonstar.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

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