Editor, The Times

Editor, The Times

There's no place in Canada for this

Editor, The Times:

The latest outcry by the Hate Trudeaus — he’s a traitor for bringing the Syrians into Canada, and now he’s going to take our guns away, just like Hitler in the 30s, etc …

Now one might be tempted to dismiss all of this to some redneck NRA wannabes. But, being involved with the Rural Rights gang, I’ve had a ringside seat on just how Alice Through the Looking Glass things can be. Could there be anything that the Mad Hatter or the March Hare could think up that’s worse than this whole travel trailer, fifth wheel thing?

But I’m, here to talk about guns, not fifth wheels, so here we go.

First of all, I own two guns. A .22 and a double-barreled shotgun. They are in pieces on a top shelf in one of my cupboards covered with blankets. No ammunition anywhere near. One might say they’re pretty safe, all in all.

Read More: It has to end somewhere, but where?

Second, these firearms are, or were, registered. That is until “Horrible” Harper killed the gun registry. This was in accordance with the wishes of the National Rifle Association and some Alberta country-dwellers, so they say. Of course, these country dwellers have or should have the right to have rifles and shotguns.

Thirdly – I fully support a ban on assault rifles and limited use for handguns. After all, what respectable hunter needs some “man-killer” of a weapon to hunt with? These rapid-fire multishot weapons in comparison to a smooth hunting rifle, preferably with a walnut stock?

Just look south of the border where it is said that a shooting occurs every day of the year. One or two killing up to 60 people at a time. One of the points that NRA would-bes make is that we should put the money into the police and law enforcement. “Only the criminals will own guns, yadda, yadda …”

Just look south of the border where the police are being overwhelmed by gun crime. Then jump down a country — in Mexico the criminal gangs have overwhelmed the police and army. they are so well supplied with weaponry much of it coming from the USA and it’s lax gun laws. A gun dealer in every corner store.

“More guns — less crime,” doesn’t work at all in Mexico and very poorly in the U.S.

There’s no place in Canada for this.

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Dennis Peacock,

Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater Times