

Editor, The Times

Re: March 12 letter, "A Small Step to Help Save North Thompson Communities," by Wes Morden

Editor, The Times;

Wes, you are so far out in left field that you are no longer in the ball park! Mayor Blackwell and Council along with N.D.P. Forest Minister Donaldson certainly don’t need a pat on the back. They need a good boot in the butt! They aren’t standing up for the valley people against corporate greed; they are catering to corporate greed. By transferring the Clearwater timber supply, all they are doing is killing or substantially reducing any chances of value-added businesses moving to Clearwater. As I have said previously, the Clearwater Tree Farm Licence should remain in Clearwater to be used for value-added businesses.

So what does Clearwater receive in return? $200,000 to the District of Clearwater to use as they see fit, $150,000 over five years to the United Way, and $500,000 to Wells Gray Community Forest. In my opinion, that’s not making a deal; that’s accepting a bribe!

Forest Minister Donaldson said in a recent press release, “Under the previous government, companies could trade tenure like they were hockey cards, and the people impacted were often the last to find out”. Mr. Donaldson, I would like you to invest in the Clearwater Times newspaper and read an article on page A3 in the March 12, 2020 issue. It’s titled, “First Nation on forest tenure transfer: ‘Simpcw did not give our free, prior and informed consent’.”

Jim Lamberton,

The Rambling Man

Clearwater, B.C.

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