Editor, The Times:

Editor, The Times:

Notley should concentrate on very real achievements

A couple of months back I was in Edmonton. There I picked up an alternate paper printed in that town. In a column on the editorial page, written by someone whose name I don’t recall, he or she made the point that the Notley government should forget about pushing so hard on this dubious Transmountain thing.

They should concentrate on their very real achievements such as jerking Alberta into the 21st Century, with proper farm rules especially.

I remember long ago when I read an article in Maclean’s about why the Alberta oil patch had so many more accidents than in BC. They were too “free enterprise” to stop killing and maiming their roughnecks in alarming numbers!

No longer of course—there are some of the strictest rules regarding safety and drug use in Canada—in the Alberta oil patch.

Rachel Notley has been a special problem for me, not to mention my two daughters that live in Edmonton.

My one daughter campaigned hard for the NDP in Edmonton. The other one took a softer approach as she works for the City of Edmonton, but they both supported Rachel Notley’s NDP government right to the hilt.

When Notley was elected I was cheered right up. Perhaps the old saying what’s the problem with Alberta?

Answer—there’s too many Albertans.

Note here—I’ve spent a lot of time for obvious reasons in Edmonton. I’ve found the Edmontonians to be courteous and friendly. In fact just recently Edmonton was rated as the most progressive city in North America.

So when Rachel Notley takes this aggressive “I’m going to get the Transmountain twinning built,” this right in your face, declaring of war on her fellow NDP John Horgan, she doesn’t seem to realize that she is just paving the way for Jason Kenny’s “troglodytes” to take power after the next Alberta election.

Alberta Blonde—disrespectful? Well Maybe?

However, anyone who knows me knows my involvement in the Changes That Heal and the Moosehide end violence against women campaigns.

Not only that, but I was one of the few men who stepped up to the mic to tell everyone that way back when, I was a violent husband and have done my best to clean up my act over the years—sound disrespectful to women?

However, when the woman who once was my favourite “Alberta Blonde” runs amok as she has been doing recently, in these politically correct times, what is one to do?

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.

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