Editorial: A glimmer of a plan for the downtown

As shopping lists go, the one that the Terrace B.C. Chamber of Commerce presented to the city regarding the downtown core was extensive.

AS shopping lists go, the one from the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce presented to the city regarding the downtown core, specifically Lakelse Ave., was extensive.

Do something about the weeds. Increase garbage collection and general tidiness. Paint lines so people know where and how to park.

For the 4600 Block of Lakelse itself, the call was to do something about the canopy which is decidedly dated and to repair or replace the brick sidewalks.

So in looking at the list it is actually in two parts – ongoing maintenance and tidiness efforts so as to keep on top of the things as they are now but, and this is where it gets expensive, what amounts to a complete re-do of the 4600 Block.

City staffers carefully point out that when it comes to the canopy, erected  in 1983, the city covered 25 per cent of the cost with the 4600 Block merchants of the day contributing the rest and then taking responsibility for any canopy upkeep.

It’s the city’s way of saying that any replacement would have to involve a financial contribution from merchants. As well, replacement sidewalk bricks are no longer available.

Adding to this, the city is saying the street portion of the 4600 Block needs rebuilding.

So there is the glimmer of what might be a plan. A combined merchant-city rebuild of the 4600 Block. Stay tuned.

Terrace Standard