EDITORIAL: A time to give

Organizations in Parksville Qualicum Beach needs your help so they can help others

Municipal elections can be divisive for communities, pitting neighbour against neighbour, people who most of the time enjoy each other’s company but differ greatly in political or philosophical terms.

We’re not sure the elections here were that divisive, save for the usual hue and cry and consternation in Qualicum Beach. Still, there are bound to be hard feelings floating around in some neighbourhoods of Parksville Qualicum Beach.

The timing of this election was perfect on a couple of fronts. It was five days after Remembrance Day, reminding us all what so many gave so we could mark a ballot in a free, democratic society. And now, days after the election, we find ourselves at the start of the season of giving, when so many organizations and groups need our help so they can help others enjoy some semblance of a Christmas.

What better way to heal than to band together to help the less fortunate of our society.

With all respect to the people in many parts of the country who are currently buried in snow, we have had a serious (for the Island) cold snap here the last couple of weeks. For some, the higher heating/power bills are a pain, but not too much of an inconvenience.

For others, single mothers and couples working a few low-wage jobs to make ends meet, the heating bill soon to land in their mailbox will be a shocker. It will force decisions about what food to buy, what vehicles to keep insured, what kind of a scaled-down Christmas will be ahead. A few hundred dollars in extra bills spread over a couple of months can mean the difference for some at the grocery store — fresh veggies or lots of inexpensive pasta? — and under the Christmas tree.

Yes, we need to look at the larger picture and attract industry or tech companies that pay higher wages for workers in Parksville Qualicum Beach. As important as that is, it will not address the short-term, painful choices some families will have to make in the next six weeks.

The short-term fix is to give generously. There are many organizations in the region that do great work, choose one. The SOS is a go-to-organization for helping the needy, especially this time of the year. Their Caring for Kids at Christmas program is second to none, and they do much more than that. Have a look at the stories related to the SOS and other organizations in today’s edition of The NEWS and other papers until Christmas and make a decision to help.

— Editorial by John Harding

Parksville Qualicum Beach News