Editorial: A toast to Robson… pretty soon

Editorial comment focuses on a local situation few will miss when it ends next year

Someone contacted us the other day and asked why nothing had been published about the lifting of the Robson Boil-Water advisory. We didn’t remember hearing about it, and for good reason as it turns out.So any Robsonites under the same impression as our caller, best go easy on that second big gulp, just to be on the safe side.

The advisory has NOT been lifted. Better news is that, while officials hesitate to put a firm date on the remedy, it’s expected no later than the middle of 2014.

The three “boil water” signs conspicuously placed along Broadwater Road for what seems like forever have made passersby aware of a deficiency in the local tap product and it’s a situation no one is fond of.

Actual problems resulting from the condition of the water haven’t seemed commonplace, at least, if so, they have not been well-publicized in the last couple of years.

Certain Robson residents, and quite likely the majority have had few problems with the drinking water although many may have opted for the bottled product when a long deep gulp was to be enjoyed.

It’s great that the lifting of the advisory is coming into view. Kudos to the authorities and engineers who have fully understood the situation and how to eventually remedy it.

A salute as well to the patient residents and various levels of government for arranging the funding to get the fix in place. Watch for more details in upcoming issues.

Castlegar News