Editorial: Accomplish a lot in last half term

There are many projects in Sooke that need to be finished or settled

Sooke and area has enjoyed some of the best summer weather in recent memory. And the amazing thing is that it is expected to stick around until at least the first week of September. Hurray.

Visitors coming out to stay gives residents a good reason to become tourists in their own town. There may not always be something going on in Sooke but the beaches, campgrounds, trails and lovely outdoor spaces don’t need any public event to make them attractive. We are so incredibly fortunate to live in an area envied by people from all over the world. It is the wild West Coast and it is at our doorstep. Take a drive out to Jordan River and watch the surfers (if the surf’s up), meander into Port Renfrew or take the Pacific Marine Circle Route for a change of pace and scenery.

Sometimes it takes someone else coming into town to make us all remember what a great place we live in. It may not last in its present state forever so we need to savour what we have right now. It may be a bit “under-developed” but I do believe that’s what keeps it pristine, unique and Sooke. This won’t last though.

We don’t want to be like Langford, but we do want some of the goodies, like sidewalks, to make Sooke a walk able and pedestrian-friendly town. Because it’s already got the friendly down to an art.

It’s also time for council to start clearing up some of the outstanding issues, like a definitive place for a bike park, dog park and horseshoe pitch. Take action and stick to your guns. Let’s just get it over with. We will always have complainers and enthusiasts and chances are we cannot please everyone. The boardwalk may have cost Sooke more than most wanted, but we all have to agree that it is a good thing, even though it was like pulling teeth to get it. So, let’s please accomplish something in this last half term in office. At least make a decision one way or another.

Sooke News Mirror