A tongue-in-cheek profile of foul-tempered feline Perdita says her dislikes include “dogs, children, the Dixie Chicks, Disney movies, Christmas and last but NOT least … HUGS.” (Mitchell County Animal Rescue)

A tongue-in-cheek profile of foul-tempered feline Perdita says her dislikes include “dogs, children, the Dixie Chicks, Disney movies, Christmas and last but NOT least … HUGS.” (Mitchell County Animal Rescue)

EDITORIAL: Are you a virus jerk? Take our short quiz to find out

Are you a virus jerk?

Are you a virus jerk?

Take this short quiz to learn the truth.

1. Do you circumvent the rationing rules at the grocery store either by shopping with several members of your family – everyone with their own cart – or by making repeated trips to the dairy aisle in the same day? If you answer yes to this question, you are a virus jerk.

2. Do you share questionable information to Facebook that is likely to elevate fear and confusion, or do you post ridiculous stories about how the global pandemic is creating minor inconveniences in your life? If you answer yes to this question, you are a virus jerk.

3. Do you disregard the extremely non-complicated rules about social distancing, avoiding gatherings and washing your hands? If you answer yes to this question you are a virus jerk.

4. Have you called in sick to work -when there is nothing wrong with you – because you know doing so will give you 14 days off on the federal dime? If you answer yes to this question, you are a virus jerk.

5. Have you personally thanked an essential worker, someone in health care, someone stocking shelves, a police officer? If you answer no to this question, you are not a virus jerk, but you could do better.

6. Have you done something kind or selfless for someone, anyone, in the past 24 hours and told no one? (Trick question). If you answer no, see diagnosis above.

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andrea.demeer@similkameenspotlight.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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