

EDITORIAL: Breaking the rules for the sake of kindness

I am breaking two rules with this editorial. The first one is a journalism rule; the second one could affect everyone.

I am breaking two rules with this editorial. The first one is a journalism rule; the second one could affect everyone.

I’m breaking the first rule to explain the second.

First, the explanation of an editorial. Editorials are meant as a reflection of the company as a whole, and, in Black Press’s case, often are shared between papers. With that in mind, the word “I” should not be used.

As you can see from the first word in this editorial, I broke that rule.

Here’s why.

I want to tell you about my wife.

Erica is the yin to my yang. She is the most uplifting person I know.

For the past half a dozen years or more, Erica has finished her day with a post on Facebook, telling her family and friends what she is grateful for on that day.

Every single day.

Sometimes it’s the only positive post I see on Facebook all day. But I can count on it.

Amazingly, she has continued with this routine throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, even though her business has shut down and she is isolating herself as much as possible (no symptoms, just abiding by the recommendations of Dr. Bonnie Henry). Despite this situation, she still finds something positive to share.

Amidst all the doom and gloom of the past couple of weeks, I’ve come to realize just how important those posts are.

Which brings me to the second rule I am breaking this week.

Starting in today’s paper, and continuing until such a time that this worldwide crisis is behind us all, the Comox Valley Record‘s Beefs & Bouquets page will run bouquets only.

We need something uplifting in these dark times and instead of looking for someone else to provide it, let’s do it ourselves. Sure, it might not be as well-read as a column with beefs. In fact, after filing today’s No Beefs, Just Bouquets page, I have very little left over for next week.

But I have a feeling that will change, because I know how kind this community is.

So it’s up to you, Comox Valley.

The “No Beefs, Just Bouquets” page needs uplifting contributions. Consider it a lesson in gratitude. We can all resume complaining once this crisis is over. For now, let’s lift each other’s spirits by being kind.

Send your bouquets to

RELATED: Beefs & Bouquets switches to “Only Bouquets”

–Terry Farrell

Comox Valley Record