EDITORIAL: Commitment to excellence

EDITORIAL: Commitment to excellence

Community awards recognize those who consistently exceed expectations

It was a time to celebrate outstanding commitment to the community as businesses, organizations and individuals were recognized at the 81st annual Summerland Business and Community Excellence Awards on Saturday.

In addition to awards for outstanding businesses in various categories, awards also include the Art and Culture Award, the Youth Leadership Award, the Mayor’s Award of Excellence and the Citizen of the Year Award.

The awards presented are important as they highlight those who are consistently exceeding expectations.

Each of the nominees has developed a reputation for quality.

Top-performing businesses by their examples, encourage others to provide high quality products and services and to provide outstanding customer service.

Those who received or were nominated for community awards are also doing much more than expected.

Because of this extra effort, they are helping to make Summerland a better place.

RELATED: 72 Summerland businesses nominated for awards

RELATED: Awards recognize Summerland businesses and individuals

It is important to remember that the awards presented on Saturday are not given for a one-time effort, no matter how outstanding it may be.

Instead, these are awards given for consistent dedication, sometimes over many years.

The Business of the Year recipients, Swiss Solar Tech, have spent 19 years providing solar panels in Summerland and throughout the Okanagan Valley.

And Sheila White, Summerland’s Citizen of the Year, received her award as a result of 63 years of volunteer service.

There are similar stories about the other recipients and nominees.

In their own ways, each one has made a commitment to go farther or do more than what is expected.

This level of dedication, consistently and over many years, is worth celebrating. And it should be seen as an example for the entire community.

When people, organizations or businesses do more than what is expected, this level of extra effort benefits everyone.

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