Editorial: Councils, darkness and drinking

Sooke council has a chance to make a fresh new start

On Monday night the new District of Sooke council was sworn in. It was a lovely ceremony full of promise and hope. There are enough returning councillors to adequately ensure the history of decisions and the ongoing work is understood by council. Enough new councillors to bring a new voice to the council table.

With every new council we have hope, this one is no different. It will be a good council and a strong committed working relationship will get the district’s work done. A fresh perspective and new start will do wonders for council and staff alike. Staff are the paid professionals who carry out the work dictated by council. It’s a symbiotic relationship, each part as necessary as the other.

We wish this new council well and are confident the citizens’ best interests are at the heart of all decisions. Congratulations to all who won a seat and thanks for all who ran a good race. It’s is hoped that those who ran will continue to contribute to council meetings even though they are not sitting in council seats.


The darker  mornings and nights are upon us for only the next three-and-a-half weeks then the light begins to return – although very slowly. Please let yourself be seen at night. The light is swallowed up on the coast and people wearing black are very hard to see. Be safe and be seen.


The RCMP have begun their Counter Attack program and that means if you are convicted of drinking and driving you will eligible for a very huge fine, confiscation of your driver’s licence, inconvenience, and a criminal record. It will cost you a lot and it is not worth  it. Would you pay more than $500 per drink? It’s no way to celebrate the holidays. Designate a driver, take a cab, call a friend or stay put… pretty simple.

Sooke News Mirror