Editorial: Crowds boast Riverboat Days success

Jam packed streets and events speak highly of Riverboat Days events and organizers and what they do for the community.


And if there had been rafters, jammed to those as well.

By all accounts, the many Riverboat Days 2016 events beginning with the kickoff on the August long weekend and extending to this past weekend may have drawn the most people ever.

Just for the July 30 parade sponsored by Branch 13 of the Royal Canadian Legion, the former Co-op property was chock a block with vehicles, an occurrence that repeated itself as vehicles were parked along Horseshoe area streets by those attending the always-welcome spectacle.

Organizers were counting parade watchers into the thousands, with some venturing into the five-figure territory.

That George Little Park was wall-to-wall people for Concerts in the Park the afternoon of July 30 while many more filled the Skeena Mall parking lot to watch the daredevil motorcycle stunts speaks to the number of people who took advantage of  the perfect weather.

It all speaks to the overall structure maintained and nurtured by the

Terrace Riverboat Days Society which encourages and supports the many volunteers and groups who organize the individual events gathered under the Riverboat Days banner. Most of all, it speaks to the thousands of spectators who by attending, showed their appreciation for all of the above.

Terrace Standard