Editorial: Don’t dump your junk

Taking offence at the dumping of garbage in public places

Trash. We all have it and we all get rid of it. Yes, it can be expensive, inconvenient and time consuming, but get rid of it we must. But, sad to say, there are those among us who have no respect for the environment or the people who have to clean up after them.

Just this week there is a letter from a resident who discovered someone’s bed forsaken in the woods. This happens all too frequently in these rural parts and someone always has to clean it up. Some think the district can do it, others don’t care who does as long as it is out of their hair. It costs others time and money to get rid of this garbage.

We have seen mountains of garbage at Muir Creek, bags of trash along Otter Point Road and even Gordon’s Beach as well as heaps of refuse, building materials, roofing, you name it, dumped anywhere there is a hidden road. Then we have those who  drop of their “donations” at the thrift stores in Sooke. Let’s not forget about the cats dropped off on some rural road and left to fend for themselves and breed continuously. Oh thanks. You don’t want your garbage but you think we do?

How do we deal with people like this? They obviously can’t read so they wouldn’t read this editorial or the signs that say “No Dumping.”

If there is a way to trace the culprits they should be handed a hefty fine and a hefty sack and be made to clean up other areas where people, like themselves, have decided to dump their junk.

We live in such a beautiful, pristine place and it is a shame that some just don’t get it.

Sooke News Mirror