EDITORIAL: Election lineup is deep this year

It is time for voters to speak up during this election.

The official nomination period for the 2014 B.C. municipal elections opened on Tuesday, with Charles Thomas and Monty Mearns being the first to file for the City of Port Alberni.

The nomination period will run until Oct. 10, in advance of General Election Day on Nov. 15, but it seems anticlimactic given so many people have been vocal on social media about their intent to run for council and school board this year.

Indeed, 2014 is shaping up to be a special election year as far as interest from potential candidates goes, as well as their collective devotion to community issues. It seems they have spoken out on issues and are prepared to back up what they say by running for municipal seats.

We could make it a trifecta if only more voters would turn out to cast their ballots.

The Alberni Valley has historically experienced low voter turnout in the past few municipal elections. There are those who perpetually lament that the vocal few per cent are the people deciding who will run our city/ regional district/ school board, but the silent majority don’t necessarily agree.

It is time for that ‘silent’ majority to speak up. Even if it means they approve of incumbent councillors/ directors/ trustees.

Every vote counts, and with so many candidates saying they will run, votes mean even more this election year.

One other note: this year we are electing people who will serve on municipal councils for four-year terms. It is easy to mark a few X’s on your ballot, but not so easy to depose a councillor, trustee or regional director once elected.

Choose wisely.

— Alberni Valley News

Alberni Valley News