EDITORIAL: Enjoy all the area has to offer

Summer appears to have finally made its way to the Okanagan after all.

Although it failed to come in time for the Canada Day long weekend, and at times it appeared it was never coming, summer appears to have finally made its way to the Okanagan after all.

After suffering through twice the usual amount of rain in June, not to mention lower-than-average temperatures and flooding concerns, many of us will be rushing to area lakes and parks this weekend to begin the summer fun on the run.

And that’s understandable, not to mention partly why we live in the Okanagan.


But as we soak up that formerly AWOL thing called the sun, we would be wise to keep safety in mind.

And that begins with not rushing so much, possibly thinking that summer was so delayed and lasts such a short time that we better enjoy it while it lasts.

Traffic is bound to be up as sun-seekers find their way out of their cocoons and onto area highways, so obey speed limits and patience is always a virtue when it comes to driving in the Okanagan.

Pack the sunscreen for your pasty, white skin and you also might need some mosquito spray as well, due to high water this year.

And, of course, be wary of fast-moving creeks and rivers, especially with children, and boaters need to control their wake during these high-water times. Not to mention watch for a higher amount of debris in the area lakes due to increased water levels detaching branches and logs from the shorelines.

Certainly get outside and enjoy all the Okanagan has to offer this sunny weekend. We all deserve it for surviving such a dreary spring. However, do it safely.

—The Morning Star


Vernon Morning Star