The federal election will be held Sept. 20. Make sure your decision is based on accurate information. (Photo by BYRON HACKETT/Advocate Staff)

EDITORIAL: Examine the facts during election campaign

It is essential that voters make their decisions based on accurate information

As Canadians prepare to go to the polls in the Sept. 20 federal election, the information available to voters before they go to the polls can seem overwhelming.

There are campaign messages from candidates and party leaders, advertisements from political organizations and others interested in directing your vote. And, social media platforms are flooded with online memes and political messages.

It is essential that voters make their decisions based on accurate information rather than on appeals to emotion. This is why it is important to examine the messages before making a decision.

The campaign promises made during the election campaign will set the tone for the next government.

If a party promises a certain approach to government finances or social policies, consider what this would mean. Would the promised changes result in higher taxes, in cuts to existing services or in an increase in the federal debt?

If one party or candidate makes statements about an opponent or about another party, do some research to learn more about the story behind the statements. The context and background are just as important as the claims themselves.

As for online memes and claims circulating on social media, take time to do some fact-checking before accepting the information.

At times, information from other countries is repackaged for a Canadian audience, even though the statements are not relevant here. And sometimes, misleading or dishonest statements are circulating to cast doubts on certain candidates or parties, or even on the electoral process itself. Not everything posted online is accurate.

Research the statements before accepting the claims.

The Sept. 20 federal election is important. The decisions made at the polls will affect the direction of policy in Canada for the coming years.

Voters deserve to have accurate, reliable information as they cast their ballots.

– Black Press

Summerland Review