EDITORIAL: Exercise your right to vote Saturday

We all get to exercise our democratic right just a few days after we pay our respects to our veterans

The forums may be over but the campaigns are gearing up into overdrive as the civic elections head into the all-important final week.

Judging by the attendance at most of the forums in the North Okanagan and the advance polling numbers, it appears there is an increased interest in this year’s campaign.

And that’s a good thing.

It could be due to the fact that we’re now voting in councillors and directors and trustees for a four-year term, a 25-per-cent increase over previous elections giving it a little more impact.

But hopefully it’s also because people are realizing how important the so-called third level of government is in our everyday lives. What happens at city hall or the regional district office or the school board office directly affects you and your neighbour and we encourage everyone to get as informed as possible about the candidates pursuing these positions: and above all exercise your right to vote on Nov. 15.

The Morning Star has endeavoured to cover as many forums as possible for our readers but also there is a supplement in today’s paper with information on most of the races in the North Okanagan.

There’s also a special section in today’s paper saluting our veterans in honour of Remembrance Day, including details of the many services in the area on Tuesday.

It’s very fitting that we all get to exercise our democratic right just a few days after we pay our respects to those who sacrificed so much for the freedoms that we too often take for granted.

We encourage all to wear a poppy and attend Remembrance Day services, Tuesday, to honour our veterans, and to follow through and do the right thing on Saturday  by exercising the hard-fought right to participate in a democracy.


Vernon Morning Star