EDITORIAL: Fill that stocking!

You can donate online at www.sossd69.com or by calling 250-248-2093

As the weather gets colder, the hearts of people in Parksville Qualicum Beach seem to get warmer.

Many individuals, organizations and businesses are answering the bell to help the less fortunate of our region.

Case in point: a few local business people decided they would do something about homelessness in our region, or at least make an effort to keep the extreme weather shelter open more than days of, well extreme weather.

Led by Anissa Derek, Cindy Craig and Gurdeep Nagra, the effort’s goal was to provide a safe, warm place, with a meal or two, for people who were out in the cold and lonely this holiday season.

The women were told it costs about $600/night to keep the extreme weather shelter open. They thought they might be able to get a few thousand together to keep the shelter open for perhaps a week right around Christmas.

Thanks to their efforts, and those of community-minded people, businesses and organizations of the region, they raised more than $8,200 and the shelter will be open for 13 nights this holiday season, regardless of the weather.

That’s fantastic. And it’s only one example of the many ongoing efforts in this region to help the less fortunate among us.

When it comes to help for the needy, so much of this area’s heavy-lifting is done by the Society of Organized Services (SOS). Yes, we can debate the reasons for the workload of the SOS, blame it on cutbacks by senior governments, etc., but what good does that do for the child who may not have a gift under the tree or a dinner this Christmas?

The SOS is trying to raise $110,000 this holiday season to help the less fortunate, to make sure every child gets a gift, every family gets a special meal. That’s on top of making sure they have the essentials like a roof over their heads and appropriate clothing for what’s turned into an actual winter here for a change.

Right now (see page A3), less than $65,000 has been raised toward that SOS goal. If you can, please consider donating to the SOS. As in ASAP. Any little or large amount will help. You can donate online at www.sossd69.com or by calling 250-248-2093.

— Editorial by John Harding

Parksville Qualicum Beach News