Editorial – Find common ground

Editorial from the Grand Forks Gazette from June 4, 2014.

A small group of students protested outside of GFSS against the teacher strike/government lock-out.

A small group of students protested outside of GFSS against the teacher strike/government lock-out.

With graduation coming up, June is a great time to look forward to the future.Unfortunately, Grade 12s in this area and throughout the province may find a strong taste of bitterness in their mouths as they look forward to what should be a joyous occasion.Although the teacher strike and the subsequent government lockout are not expected to affect graduation ceremonies, there is no doubt the “feud” will hamper students’ final few weeks of exam preparation as they prepare to make the adjustment from school to the “real world.”As for students at younger levels, both the teachers’ union and the government are sending some very mixed messages: play well with others and be nice to each; meanwhile, if we don’t get what we want we’re just going to hold our breath until we do.Sadly, this could be just the beginning. No one wants to see job action last throughout the summer and into next fall but it appears that may be the case unless both groups can find some common ground.

Grand Forks Gazette